
November 14, 1997

Such a nifty quote. And one you don't see often. Her following lines, though, really get to the heart of the matter: "I make strong demands on love, call for active witnesses to prove it, and noble sacrifices and grand achievements as its results." Demonstration. Not just lip service, but the real thing.

We spoke about the different ways "demonstration" is used in the CS language. Both as an indicator of the way our lives unfold — "I guess that's been your demonstration" — or as the evidence of the operation of Love in our lives.

Must admit, a bit of the talk focused on demonstration in terms of meeting the human need. Demonstrations of security, happiness, hope, love, companionship. Issues we wake up with every day. We tried to remember, or remind each other, to "hope thou in God", rather than looking to the abundant mammon to gain a feeling of stability and comfort in all these issues.

The acronym CS stands for Christian Science.

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